I don't like to follow recipes.

I've had so many people ask me for my recipes, and the truth is, I don't have any - it all just comes out of my head in the moment. However, I do feel like I can give some guidelines to help you find your own talent for creating delicious, healthy, vitamin rich meals, while discovering a joy for cooking you may have never had.

*note - this totally doesn't work for baking - but we don't want sugar anyway! Let's cook!

Monday, February 15, 2010

This Little Piggy Went To Cuba

Cuban night!  Pork is not only the other white meat, but the more delicious white meat as well.  Cooking for carnivores may seem a little more advanced, and harder without a recipe, but after a little practice, gourmet inspired meaty meals are a cinch.

But, savory goodness isn't all pork has to offer - miss piggy is a cheaper date than her artery clogging farm pal, brown cow.  Remember, it's not bacon, it's lean white meat.  This entire meal served 6, and cost a whopping 20 bucks, all included.

It is of course nutritious - a lean protein dish is the perfect meal following a muscle building workout, and served along with something fresh and green, it can't be beat.

Pork and Knife Sandwiches

In a dutch oven, heat a swish of oil
(or cast iron skillet with lid)
Toss in your spices
(I used ginger and serrano peppers)
Add onions and cook down
(I used red onions)
Brown pork ribs
(I chose boneless, lean cuts)
(*browning is on high heat, short time)
Turn heat down to a simmer
Squeeze oranges in the pot
Let simmer for 2 hours covered

Take lid off and pull apart pork with tongs - it will then soak up all of the juices it cooked in

Toast a healthy whole grain slice of bread
Top with sauteed red cabbage if you like
Add juicy pork to sandwich

I served this Pork And Knife Sandwich with steamed swiss chard (a yummy green) with lemon on it, and whole grain rice, as well as a relish for the sandwich.

There are so many great options for relishes that can spice up any type of dish - here are 3 options I came up with for cuban night (you really only need just one!)

Relish Trio

Slice up ingredients and mix:
(or throw them in a food processor if you are rich)
(I sliced everything by hand, with one great knife)

Jicama, Orange, Pistachio, Mint

Avacado, Jalapeno, Onion, Lime

Mango, Tomato, Onion, Cilantro

Relishes are a great way to experiment with food pairings and combos, as they can be added (or not) by your guests.

Viva Cuba!  Swine flu be damned!

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