I don't like to follow recipes.

I've had so many people ask me for my recipes, and the truth is, I don't have any - it all just comes out of my head in the moment. However, I do feel like I can give some guidelines to help you find your own talent for creating delicious, healthy, vitamin rich meals, while discovering a joy for cooking you may have never had.

*note - this totally doesn't work for baking - but we don't want sugar anyway! Let's cook!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Getting Started - A Stocked Kitchen

I'm all about simple. The great chef Marco Pierre White says that great dishes come from simplicity. What an easy concept to translate to home cooking! I love simple.

So here are my basics - you will choose your own flavors and brands etc, but this is a good example of the type of stocked kitchen that you will need for cooking any and every type of cuisine.


Fresh spices are tastier, healthier, and cheaper than their packaged, processed cousins and keeping these spices on hand is just as convenient.

Garlic and ginger are both incredibly good for you, and in addition to their natural health value, you won't need to use salt to flavor any dishes spiced with these power roots.

Like it spicy? Find some peppers with the amount of heat that you prefer - we cook very spicy here, most commonly with red jalapenos and green thai chilis.

Herb gardens are the way to go for all greens - forget dried green flakes from a jar - it's cheaper, healthier and more fun from your own pot! We grow cilantro, parsley, italian parsley, and mint to name a few.


I throw a little citrus in just about everything. Appetizers, main courses, soups, salads, deserts - all better with a little citrus. This is a personal choice, but again, saves on salt and the health benefits are fantastic... especially if you have scurvy.


I use white, red, and green onions in many dishes, so they are always on hand. We can up the ante later with scallions, leeks, and other varieties.


Remembering to keep it simple, you should have minimal items in your pantry. I like to use produce for everything, but there are a few necessities for the pantry or cabinet.

Oils are an absolute must - and olive oil is a great choice for heart-healthy cooking.
Sea Salt, coarse or fine, adds incredible flavor using less salt, iodized salt is in the back just in case, but Sea Salt is used most often.
Various Peppers - whole peppercorns to grind is the best option, then cayenne, lemon etc...
The Soy and Sriracha are must haves for asian cooking (more on that to come)

Check to see what you have on hand, and make yourself a small list of the spices, citrus, and onions you'd like to pick up at the store - then just go and see what looks good that day!

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