I don't like to follow recipes.

I've had so many people ask me for my recipes, and the truth is, I don't have any - it all just comes out of my head in the moment. However, I do feel like I can give some guidelines to help you find your own talent for creating delicious, healthy, vitamin rich meals, while discovering a joy for cooking you may have never had.

*note - this totally doesn't work for baking - but we don't want sugar anyway! Let's cook!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stir Fry, or Not Stir Fry...That is the Question

Scared to try recipe-less cooking? Mistakes can be awesome, but if you want a safety net, start out with a stir fry. It's the easiest way to get rocking on improvisational cooking with low consequence.

Stir fry may bring to mind the act of opening a frozen bag of Asian vegetables and heating them, but let's never speak of that again. Stir fry doesn't need to be Asian at all, and is best when experimental. How about Spicy Shrimp with Mango, or Chicken and Black Bean, or Crab with Asparagus and Corn. I just made those up - so what's in your kitchen that looks good together?

Remember to cook meat first, or in a separate pan, and season the meat to match your other ingredients. (Say... lemon on the chicken for a tangy citrus themed stir fry, cayenne for spicy, just s&p on your meat to match a garlic theme)

I like to add veggies according to their perceived crunchiness factor (the pcf). You'll learn through trial and error how much longer a bamboo shoot will need compared to a bean sprout, but using the pcf scale can be a great start, as well as a good reason to abbreviate complete nonsense.

We have at least one night a week of vegetarian cooking, and tonight was that night, as we were also very low on groceries. I love to stir fry when I think I'm out of food. You can always squeeze out one more meal, even if you think your kitchen is bare. (more on this in the future!)

This would work great as a side dish as well, and yes, it is an Asian theme, it's just what we had...

Stir Fry Basics, Sugar Snap Pea Style

Splash oil in wok or skillet
(I chose hot sesame oil)
Spices go in first until crackling

(I chose ginger)

Throw in onions
(I went with red, and a little green)
Carrots next
(highest pcf)
Water chestnuts
Sugar snap peas
Squeeze of lemon
Toss or stir to desired tenderness
(I kept it crunchy)

Serve on top of brown rice

We loved it along with a Ponzu Apple Bean Thread Salad:

Next time you are "out of groceries", invent a stir fry - even if it's awful, it was time for groceries anyway!

1 comment:

  1. This post has inspired me to do a veg only stir fry this weekend! I've done a bit of improvisation but I am still recipe addicted :) One thing I learned right away prep your ingrediants and have the ready before you start. Once the stir fry train gets going it stops for no man!
    Great looking dish here.


Do tell me what you think!